Kathy Whisenant
Founder, Abundance By Design

Your life has many facets, each one like a piece of a puzzle; so if even one piece is missing, it's incomplete. Because we work on making sure every piece is in place, you get a holistic solution to a complete and abundant life.      

Abundance By Design
I founded Abundance By Design to help you design your own abundance in physical, psychological, and financial health, all by using the same framework. The basic principals are the same, they just apply slightly differently to each area, but it's important to know that abundance doesn't always equal money. It's actually more important to have abundant health and relationships, because without those, you can't fully enjoy the money. By attracting abundance into your life, you can have health, wealth, security, and freedom, all working together to make your life more fulfilling and more rewarding.

My goal in creating Abundance By Design is to serve you and to help you understand these principles and apply them to create the life you want. If you're ready to start attracting abundance in your life in any or all of these areas, enter your name and e-mail address below, and you can get a sneak peak at how we can help you achieve it. Whether you're looking to start a business, create a course, lose weight or improve your health, or just get a more positive attitude and outlook on life, we can help you do it. So don't keep sitting on the sidelines and watching your life go by without reaching your goals, let's see if we can help you make a difference in designing your life of abundance, starting now!


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Have Faith, Stay Strong, Love Big!
~ Kathy Whisenant ~
The Foundation: The Meaning
The word "abundance" by definition means "an extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply: such as an abundance of grain." 2) "overflowing fullness: such as abundance of the heart." 3) "affluence; wealth: such as the enjoyment of abundance." I like to focus on the definition in #2,"overflowing fullness", because that is what we all truly want at the end of the day, to be overflowing with health, happiness, love, and success. 

Much like a large tree, your foundation, or roots, must be strong. To have a strong foundation, you must have some sort of spiritual connection; something you believe in and have faith in that is much bigger than yourself. Second, you begin working on your personal health, happiness, and relationships, and last, you work on the money and success. You'll get them all in time, but getting your priorities straight is vital to the overall plan for success in all of these areas.
The Framework: The Skill Set
To some people, it may seem impossible to attract abundance into your life, but there actually is a way to do it, and it's not anything hokey or magical. There are skills that you can learn and put into action that help you do this, no magic wand required! We teach you how to use SkillPower, not willpower, to achieve your goals and create abundance through designing the life YOU want. Because some experts will tell you that everything is all about discipline and willpower, and while you do have to have some level of that, there's much more to it. All the willpower in the world won't help you get where you want to go if you don't have the necessary skills to navigate the path to get there. That's where we come in, we help you do just that by teaching you those skills and how to put them into action, to create your abundance by design!

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